I want to help you find the best point and shoot film cameras on the internet. Content creator, blogger, and entrepreneur. Sold over 3,000 film cameras.

film camera

I’ve been into photography and filmmaking since I was a kid. When I was in 6th grade, a few friends and I were tasked with reenacting the book, “Huckleberry Finn”, on video for a class assignment. It was the moment that I realized I loved cameras and storytelling. I was hooked.

I’m from Michigan originally, graduated from Central Michigan University, and moved to Florida right after college. I love the Detroit Lions, and hate winter weather. Although Florida summers are equally awful. I’ve worked on many commercials, films, music videos, and reality shows through the years, and I’m currently a professor at Full Sail University in the Film Program, teaching documentary filmmaking.

I’m extremely entrepreneurial. From lemonade stands, mowing lawns, and newspaper delivery as a kid, to starting a video production company, selling on eBay, and a Youtube channel as an adult… I’ve always loved the idea of working for myself and having the flexibility of time.

This blog is an extension of my eBay business that took off right before Covid hit in 2020. I was at an estate sale looking for things to sell on when I stumbled upon a Canon AE-1 film camera. I had no idea how to use it, but with the help of Youtube I was able to confirm that this $150 film camera, that I bought for $25, in fact worked! With that kind of profit, I was hooked and have been selling film cameras ever since.

I’ve now sold over 3k film cameras since then, with 5 star reviews and thousands of happy customers. I created a Youtube channel and this blog to share everything I learn about film cameras, and to reach a bigger audience about the joy of film photography. Thanks for stopping by!


Get my “Ultimate Film Camera Checklist” to get started