Canon Sure Shot 85 Zoom 35mm Point & Shoot Film Camera
The Canon Sure Shot 85 Zoom is one of the top searched point and shoot film cameras on the internet.
But what makes it so popular?
I’m gonna find out.
In this post, I take a look at the backstory, specs, measurables, reliability, battery, and loading film in the Canon Sure Shot 85 Zoom.
I’m Teddy. I’ve sold over 3000 film cameras online, but I’ve never shot with the Canon Sure Shot 85 Zoom before.
Until now.
I’ll share the photos, pros and cons, and my final thoughts about shooting with the Canon Sure Shot 85 Zoom in my next post.
So, whether you’re a beginner in film photography, or simply curious to see a train wreck, subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss the results…
Because after all….
Size and weight
Loading film